Private Garden A touch of greenery amidst all the concrete is very appealing to the eye. If you have your own plot and are planning to build a home, do make sure you save some space for a beautiful garden. In case you reside in apartments, you can always go for small hanging gardens which will add a spark to your balcony. Or in the case of most new villaments, each home already comes with its own private garden/park.

While some folks may think of a private garden as high maintenance, which they kinda are, gardens and landscapes have a lot of advantages which many aren’t fully aware of.
In addition to the common benefits of serving as a great place to relax, exercise or simply soak in the sun from the comfort of your home or even serve as a great space for hosting barbeque parties, here are some of the more commonly overlooked advantages.
1. Experience
The most important factor which contributes to the overall look and feel of any home is the experience. To be specific, a visual experience is something which lasts longer in the minds of people. Aesthetics are essential to any home and gardens probably top the list of things which provide a visual long lasting impact on any person, as they are closely associated with natural fauna.
Not just a visual, but a mental experience also comes into play by the mood it creates. After a long and tiring day through the concrete jungle, returning home to the sight of that green is only second to that of returning home to your family and/or pet 🙂
2. Access to Fresh Produce
The vegetables and fruits we buy from the marketplace are prone to have remnant pesticides which can be harmful to your health. A garden, on the other hand, can be a source of fresh produce which is safe to consume. It might take a lot more effort to maintain the produce gardens though, but it sure is worth the rewards. You literally reap what you sow, in this case 😀

Growing vegetables and fruits with family can be fun too. If you are planning on having a garden mainly for growing veggies, it is better to have a wider area in the backyard where there is ample sunlight. Just a quick tip for those of you who lack the extra space at home, you can always consider container gardening – tomatoes and peppers grow well in small pots.

3. Impact on the Environment
The very word ‘garden’ instantly forces you to think of the environment. It doesn’t matter how big or small the garden is, it is sure to create an environmental impression.
Plants absorb greenhouse gases through photosynthesis. They reduce the glares from buildings and absorb unwanted noises. It also helps in conserving energy. Pollution can also be minimized to a certain extent.
Gardening is also a way to provide habitat for different life forms. This attracts birds and insects which are always an added pleasant sight in your garden.

4. Value of Medicinal Plants and In-house Gardening
In addition to growing fruits &vegetables or that rare botanical collection, many gardeners are known to grow medicinal plants, whose benefits are aplenty. Aloe Vera, for example, is a common home grown medicinal plant and is very helpful when it comes to healing, reducing risks of infections and also poor appetite.
If you are planning on growing plants within the four walls of your house, there are some amazing plants like peace lily and snake plant which are very forgiving.
A healthy and peaceful surrounding is all one wants and having a landscaped garden is truly something to die for. There is no disadvantage which would overrule the advantage though. Any home will surely look complete, beautiful and more with nature with the addition of a well-maintained garden.
What do you feel? Having a garden is too much maintenance or do are it’s benefits worth the effort? Do you enjoy gardening or have a private garden in your home? Let us know how it benefits you the most.